Johannes Weyer with an article in the "Handbuch Mobilität und Gesellschaft".
The Springer volume "Handbuch Mobilität und Gesellschaft. Sozialwissenschaftliche Verkehrs- und Mobilitätsforschung" was just published.

Automotive Congress South Westphalia in Hagen
A team from the Senior Professorship of Sustainable Mobility visited the Automotive Congress Südwestfalen in Hagen last week for the NeMo.bil project.

Milestone meeting of the NeMo.bil project in Paderborn
The fourth milestone meeting with the partners also provided interesting insights into the status of the project.

NeMo.bil receives the German Mobility Award
The NeMo.bil project received the German Mobility Award in the ‘New Mobility Solutions’ category.

NeMo.bil at the 19th DortmunderAutoTag
While the NeMo.bil project was the subject of several presentations, the NeMoCab was presented in the region for the first time.

First test rounds in an automated cab prototype
Johannes Weyer and Sebastian Hoffmann took part in the consortium meeting of the NeMo.bil project in Landsberg and were given the opportunity to test…

NeMo.bil-Cabs in Paderborn
Cabs from the NeMo.bil project were presented in front of the town hall in Paderborn. The Federal Minister of Economics, Robert Habeck, was also…

How can climate protection in mobility be measured? Professor Johannes Weyer at the Alliance for Mobility NRW
Professor Johannes Weyer presented the sociologically based climate experiment at the Alliance for Mobility in Düsseldorf on June 19.

Senior Professorship team at the 16th Mobility Science Forum
Professor Johannes Weyer and Kay Cepera took part in the 16th Mobility Science Forum in Duisburg.