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Fakultät für Sozialwissenschaften

at the Senior Professorship Sustainable Mobility!


Johannes Weyer with an article in the "Handbuch Mobilität und Gesellschaft".

The Springer volume "Handbuch Mobilität und Gesellschaft. Sozialwissenschaftliche Verkehrs- und Mobilitätsforschung" was just published.
Auf dem Bild ist das Cover des Springer-Bandes zu sehen.

Automotive Congress South Westphalia in Hagen

A team from the Senior Professorship of Sustainable Mobility visited the Automotive Congress Südwestfalen in Hagen last week for the NeMo.bil project.
Eine Person steht vor einem Kupplungs-Demonstrator auf einer Messe.

Milestone meeting of the NeMo.bil project in Paderborn

The fourth milestone meeting with the partners also provided interesting insights into the status of the project.

NeMo.bil receives the German Mobility Award

The NeMo.bil project received the German Mobility Award in the ‘New Mobility Solutions’ category.

NeMo.bil at the 19th DortmunderAutoTag

While the NeMo.bil project was the subject of several presentations, the NeMoCab was presented in the region for the first time.
A small white autonomous shuttle is parked in a courtyard, about 30 people are standing in front of it and Jonathan Behm points to the cab at that moment

First test rounds in an automated cab prototype

Johannes Weyer and Sebastian Hoffmann took part in the consortium meeting of the NeMo.bil project in Landsberg and were given the opportunity to test…
Mehrere Projektpartner sitzen an einem Tisch bei einem Treffen des NeMo.bil-Projekts

NeMo.bil-Cabs in Paderborn

Cabs from the NeMo.bil project were presented in front of the town hall in Paderborn. The Federal Minister of Economics, Robert Habeck, was also…
Vier INYO Cabs stehen vor dem Rathaus in Paderborn

How can climate protection in mobility be measured? Professor Johannes Weyer at the Alliance for Mobility NRW

Professor Johannes Weyer presented the sociologically based climate experiment at the Alliance for Mobility in Düsseldorf on June 19.
Around 20 people sit at an oval conference table.

Senior Professorship team at the 16th Mobility Science Forum

Professor Johannes Weyer and Kay Cepera took part in the 16th Mobility Science Forum in Duisburg.
Six people sit on black leather armchairs on a stage behind a flat glass table.

Professor Johannes Weyer is the editor of a SpringerBrief in the Safety Management series

The article "Safe Transitions in Complex Systems" was published in the anthology "Climate Change and Safety in High-Risk Industries".
The photo shows the book cover, which consists primarily of red and white colors merging into one another.

Sustainable mobility at the STS conference at TU Graz

At the STS conference at TU Graz, researchers explored various questions relating to sustainable mobility.
 Ariane Wenger, Kay Cepera and Marlon Philipp are standing to the right of a lectern, with a welcome slide on a projector in the background.

New mobility in the Sauerland region?

Representatives of the city and Stadtwerke Menden discussed an innovative mobility system in the Sauerland region with the NeMo.bil project.
Fabian Kreutz (smart media), Jonathan Behm (Uni PB), Anna-Carina Zappe (smart media), Sara Schmidt (Wirtschaftsförderung), Thomas Höddinghaus (Stadt Menden), Johannes Weyer, Fabian Adelt (both TU Dortmund University), Alessa Näpel, Matthias Thelen (both Stadtwerke), Moritz Ostermann (Uni PB) stand in front of a window front.

First look at the INYO CAB

On 15 January, the INYO-CAB was presented for the first time at the ADAC test site in Penzing.
The INYO Cab can be seen with its doors open. It is a shuttle the size of a golf cart with side entry and four seats facing each other.

MoMeEnT Final Meeting

The results of the MoMeEnT project were presented at the final meeting in Dortmund on 3 November 2023.

NeMo.bil at the Mobility Dialog

The NeMo.bil project was presented during the Mobility Dialog at Hof Drepper in Iserlohn.
Moritz Ostermann stands behind a lectern in front of a banner that reads "Mobility turnaround in rural areas".

Advancing the mobility transition in NRW

Christian Fronczak from the NRW Ministry of Transport MUNV visited TU Dortmund University on October 25, 2023.
Professor Johannes Weyer, Christian Fronczak from MUNV, Marlon Phillipp, Kay Cepera, Antonio Isopp and Sebastian Hoffmann (from left to right) stand in front of a large monitor on which the main features of the Ne.Mobil project are shown..

To the Moon and Mars?

Professor Johannes Weyer gave a talk at "acatech on Tuesday" to discuss the pros and cons of modern space travel.
Prof. Weyer during his presentation.

The Social Dimension of New Mobility

In the "NeMo.bil" project, a consortium from industry and science is developing an innovative, swarm-capable mobility system that is intended to…
Black and white "cab" in front of a glass wall. The cab doesn't have doors and the inside consists of two chairs facing each other.

Project completion: InnaMoRuhr sustainable mobility

Results of the InnaMoRuhr project regarding the design of sustainable mobility have now been presented at a closing event.
Prof. Weyer while opening the closing event.

Strategies for changing mobility behavior

At the 15th Mobility Science Forum on May 11th in the CityPalais Duisburg, Prof. Weyer gave a lecture on the modeling of mobility behavior.
Table with laptops and a man holding a presentation.

Current perspectives of science and technology research

On May 04 and 05, the spring meeting of the Section for Science and Technology Studies of the DGS took place at Dortmund.
Person typing on their phone.

Mobility and transport sector as problem children of climate protection

On 27.04. the regional dialogue "Sustainable Mobility" took place digitally in the Metropole Ruhr with a keynote speech by Prof. Weyer.
[Translate to English:]

Are we putting too much money into new highways?

On March 30, the WDR5 City Talk "Between Climate Crisis and Renovation Backlog - Roads in NRW" took place at 7:30pm at Wilhelmshöhe in Menden.
Logo of WDR

Modeling sustainable mobility: Impact assessment of policy measures

The 32nd edition of the TATuP was published on March 24th. with an article by Prof. Weyer, Fabian Adelt and Marlon Philipp.
Logo with a green outline of a face.

AI in everyday life - humanization of technology?

In an interview with Birgid Becker from Deutschlandfunk, Johannes Weyer answers questions about artificial intelligence.
Logo of the radio channel "Deutschlandfunk".

The interaction of humans and autonomous technology in the real-time society

Prof. Weyer gave a lecture at the 2nd SYnENZ Symposium on 15.02.23 at 18:00.
Portrait of Prof. Weyer during his presentation.