Professor Johannes Weyer is the editor of a SpringerBrief in the Safety Management series
The article "Safe Transitions in Complex Systems" was published in the anthology "Climate Change and Safety in High-Risk Industries".

Sustainable mobility at the STS conference at TU Graz
At the STS conference at TU Graz, researchers explored various questions relating to sustainable mobility.

New mobility in the Sauerland region?
Representatives of the city and Stadtwerke Menden discussed an innovative mobility system in the Sauerland region with the NeMo.bil project.

First look at the INYO CAB
On 15 January, the INYO-CAB was presented for the first time at the ADAC test site in Penzing.

MoMeEnT Final Meeting
The results of the MoMeEnT project were presented at the final meeting in Dortmund on 3 November 2023.

NeMo.bil at the Mobility Dialog
The NeMo.bil project was presented during the Mobility Dialog at Hof Drepper in Iserlohn.

Advancing the mobility transition in NRW
Christian Fronczak from the NRW Ministry of Transport MUNV visited TU Dortmund University on October 25, 2023.

To the Moon and Mars?
Professor Johannes Weyer gave a talk at "acatech on Tuesday" to discuss the pros and cons of modern space travel.

The Social Dimension of New Mobility
In the "NeMo.bil" project, a consortium from industry and science is developing an innovative, swarm-capable mobility system that is intended to…